Papás Por Conveniencia Season 1
01. ¡Aidé te adoraba!
Tino has a son with an unknown illness that is getting worse. Aidé is facing behavioral problems with her children. During the high school alumni meeting, Clara Luz did not hesitate to remember how they made life impossible for her classmate Aidé, as well as mentioning that she was madly in love with Tino. He is shocked to see her again giving her speech as founder of ‘Maxiclick’ and saves her from having a bad fall, after she felt ill.
02. ¿Quién es nuestro padre biológico?
Aidé is very upset with Facundo, since he didn't realize that Circe left the house and put her life in danger, but when she goes up to her bedroom she finds women's underwear that clearly isn't hers. Federica reveals to Circe that her cousin Aidé was very loose during high school and the reason why she has never talked about the father of her children is because she doesn't even know his name. Circe arrives unexpectedly at a business meeting of her mother to demand that she reveal the whole truth about the identity of her biological father, she reacts annoyed, since it is neither the place nor the time to ask such a private thing. Clara Luz and Rudolf remember their time at school and don't know what Silvana wants to talk to them about. Aidé asks Circe to give her the pills, but when she looks for them she can't find them because they go to Ulises' bedroom and when they enter, they see him passed out.
03. Tino, mis mellizos también son tus hijos
Tino manages to enter Aidé's bedroom and finds a notebook with hearts that have her name on it, as well as thoughts directed towards him. Lichita warns Chano that she is determined to look for another job, since she is tired of not having enough money, and that she wants to feel useful as a woman, which he forbids her, since he cannot neglect the house or the children. Circe manages to speak to her brother, but he asks her not to let her mother in, since he does not want to see her, the therapist advises Aidé to give her time, since her son is very vulnerable. Silvana asks Clara Luz and Rudolf to take care of her son Pipe before she takes her last breath. Aidé opens her heart to Tino and confesses that their destinies were linked before, since her twins, Circe and Ulises, are also her children.
04. Quiero que seas el niñero de mis hijos
Aidé remembers what happened on the night of her graduation and confesses to Tino that he is sure that he is the father of her twins, since he was the first man in her life, he wants to know more about his children. Clara Luz and Rudolf cannot believe that Silvana has left them the responsibility of taking care of her son Pipe, knowing that they do not plan to be parents. Aidé begins to investigate about Tino and discovers that he has financial problems, and all the information on his resume is false. Tino is grateful to Aidé for having paid for Emiliano's surgery, she assures him that she does not want him to give her anything back, much less for him to work at her company, what she really wants is for him to become the babysitter of her twins.
05. Él es su nuevo tutor
Tino tells Aidé the story of his children and confesses that he is capable of anything for them. She assures him that he speaks very nicely, but she cannot trust him. Circe, upon learning about her mother's history with her real father, prefers not to know anything about him anymore, since she believes that he only took advantage of her mother because of the condition she was in on the day of her graduation. Aidé introduces Tino as Circe and Ulises' new tutor. They assure her that he is only looking for people to take care of her responsibilities as a mother. Don Melitón is tired of Tino not paying him the money he lent him and threatens to harm his children if he does not pay off the debt as soon as possible.
06. Tino es el padre biológico de tus sobrinos
Bertha resigns herself to spending the night in the hospital after they were left homeless again. Aidé overhears the conversation and discovers that Tino is in serious trouble. Aidé offers Tino to live with her family in the service area of her house. Lila asks her father to stop lying and tell Emiliano what is really going on. Circe notices that there is a young woman hanging around the garden of her house. Rina explains that she is Lila, the daughter of her new tutor, and it is likely that they will see her very often on the property, since she has just moved in with her father. Federica begins to investigate about Tino and Guzmán reveals that in addition to being Circe and Ulises' tutor, he is also their biological father.
07. ¡Yo te he dado un buen ejemplo!
Aidé confronts Logroño for underestimating her ability as a businesswoman and asks him to respect all women. Tino congratulates the mother of his children for giving herself the place she deserves. Facundo reproaches Aidé for sacrificing her career for her love. She does not fall for that kind of blackmail and assures him that she quit the program because of the low ratings. Tino, realizing that Ulises is in danger, runs to him and prevents him from doing something crazy. The young man assures her that he did not plan to hurt himself, he simply did not want to go to his therapy with the psychiatrist. Circe assures her mother that she has not given her a good example, since she messed with a man when he was not conscious. Aidé slaps her for insulting her.
08. ¡Tino es nuestro papá!
Aidé contacts Tino to tell him that she had a confrontation with Circe, he tries to comfort her with his words and she thanks him for his advice and recognizes that having him in her life does her a lot of good. Aidé refuses to let Facundo be the face of MaxiClick as Logroño proposed, but he assures her that if she continues with the idea of getting him out of the house, she will regret it. Aidé assures Circe that knowing her truth does not give her the right to use it against her and hopes not to have another confrontation with her and asks for forgiveness. Facundo insults Aidé and accuses her of being Tino's lover; he hits him and Facundo begs for mercy. Aidé reveals to Circe and Ulises that after meeting Tino again and seeing that he is a great dad, she decided to confess to him the secret she has kept for 17 years, they confirm that her guardian is her father.
09. ¡Aidé eres una gran mujer!
Circe assures Ulises that they will not allow Tino to get involved in her life, much less her family. Lila finds out that Circe and Ulysses are her half-siblings, and when she hears this, she cannot understand how her father would prefer to take care of Emi's emotional side and not hers. Circe will not allow Tino's family to live in her house, and Bertha confronts her and assures her that she needs a lot of education. Tino makes it clear how much he admires Aidé and assures her that she is a great woman, and she kisses him.
10. ¿Ustedes son mis hermanos?
Clara Luz and Rudolf ask Guzmán not to tell Aunt Pura anything about what happened with Pipe, he begs them to pay more attention to his nephew. Tino gets tired of hearing Circe's insults towards him and warns him that he will not allow her to trample on his dignity. Aidé asks her entire family to receive Emi with great empathy, since he has a driving style that requires special care, he was filled with happiness when he met his brothers. Aidé has a heart attack when she sees Lichita working at Maxiclick and, believing that she will betray her, she tests her in a very peculiar way. Emiliano finds Federica and Facundo kissing, so when trying to escape, he falls into the house's pool.
11. Ustedes no son bienvenidos
Federica, seeing that Emi is in danger, jumps into the pool. Tino and Aidé are very grateful for saving her life. Checo arrives at Circe's high school under the pretext that he is looking for schools. She does not hesitate to apologize for how her mother treated him. Aidé complains to Tino for organizing an event without her permission. He assures her that he did a market analysis and found an opportunity for growth in a specific segment of the population that likes music and entertainment. Tino is in charge of informing Aidé that Clara Luz and Rudolf will be part of her work team. She rejects that her former high school classmates get involved with Maxiclick.
12. Me preocupa Emiliano
Federica tells Circe that she suspects there is a romance between Aidé and Tino, since these displays of affection are not from friends. Scarlett shows Emi a photograph of her father, which confirms that Federica was kissing Facundo the day he suffered the accident. 'El Calacas' knows that Tino's weak point is his son Emi, so he is willing to kidnap them so that Aidé will pay the ransom for them. Federica takes Emi to the park with the intention of buying her an ice cream, but in reality she does it to teach her a lesson that she should not say anything about the kiss she saw.
13. ¿En qué estás metido?
‘El Calacas’ makes Tino believe that he has his son Emi in his power, so he asks him not to talk to the police and later he will give him certain instructions. Aidé and Tino fear the worst when they know that their children are in the hands of ‘El Calacas’, but in reality he is only prolonging the time to find the minors and be able to collect the ransom; Scarlett and Emi get lost in the park. Tino sees ‘El Calacas’ again and confronts him when he finds out that he has his son, so he demands that he return him to him. Clara Luz finds Emi. Aidé tells Tino that the situation they experienced with ‘El Calacas’ makes her reconsider whether his presence is indispensable in her life and in that of her children or if in reality he is putting them in danger.
14. ¿Y si el cómplice es el novio de Circe?
Facundo assures Emi that Augusto cannot take him to school, since he is only in charge of taking care of the members of the house, not the tenants. Tino decides that the best thing for Aidé and her family is for him to leave the house, since that way he would not put them in danger. Federica suggests to Aidé that in order to reach an economic agreement with Facundo she give him a job at Maxiclick, thus fulfilling his promise and it is very likely that he will resign because he is not used to responsibilities. Tino fears that one of the henchmen of the ‘calacas’ is Checo, Circe’s boyfriend.
15. ¿Checo es tu hijo?
Clara Luz and Rudolf find some studies that confirm that Pura has pancreatic cancer, they also see her passport and realize that she has another name. Tino invites all his children to spend a day in Ajusco, Circe is opposed to living with her father and brothers, since she believes it is very low class to go to that place. Tino takes advantage of lunch time to question Checo about where he bought his motorcycle, he assures him that it was in Polanco; however, Tino assures him that that brand is not sold in that area. Circe and Checo are about to live a tragedy, after he invaded the opposite lane with his motorcycle and ran into a truck.
16. Queremos destituir a Aidé Mosqueda como presidenta
Tino warns Chano to keep an eye on his son, since he is associating with dangerous people and reveals to him that a few days ago that gang tried to kidnap his son Emi. Tino and Chano arrive to pick up their children at the police station and when they see them, Checo introduces his father as the gardener of his house so that Circe does not discover his lie. Circe thanks Tino for having saved her and now keeping her secret, he assures her that it will always be her responsibility and he will be with her in good times and bad. Tino arrives by mistake at the office where the meeting will be held and finds out that the Maxiclic shareholders want to remove Aidé as president of the company.
17. Aidé está entre la vida la muerte
Facundo demands that Aidé give him the shares that correspond to her in Maxiclick, but she reproaches him for never giving her a penny for household expenses and admits that she shouldn't have made him part of the company. Aidé asks Lichita for a detailed report of everything that happens in the company and depending on what she finds in that document, she will know if she can trust her. Checo looks for Circe to reveal to her that his family is dedicated to organized crime and that is the reason why he hasn't introduced them to her. Facundo reveals to Circe, Ulises and Scarlet that his mother is undergoing heart surgery and details that Tino didn't tell the truth, since he plans to keep everything if something bad happens to Aidé.
18. Vayamos con el corazón en la mano
Tino explains to Circe, Ulises and Scarlet that his mother underwent a surgery that does not put her life at risk, so Facundo's plan fell through. Rudolf assures Pura that leaving Pipe with them is a very big package that does not correspond to her, so she makes the decision to kick them out, since they are not welcome in her house. Tino denies that he is currently in a romantic relationship with Aidé and confesses to Circe that she and Ulises would be the first to find out; however, she assures him that she will not accept it. Aidé and Tino decide to give each other a chance as a couple, so both show their love with a kiss, but they are photographed by Facundo.